Saturday 23 August 2014

Lesson 3- learning some iconic Aussie cultural things in pinyin

G Day all, since I am from the land down under, this lesson is all about using those pinyin that you have learnt from the past two lessons and to pronounce some Aussie icons. This will enable you to start building up a range of various cultural vocabularies.

Kangaroo- 袋鼠- dài shǔ

Koala- 考拉- kǎo  lā

Australia- 澳大利亚- ào  dà  lì  yà

Great Barrier Reef- 大堡礁- dà  bǎo  jiāo 

Crocodile- 鳄鱼- è  yú

Rugby- 橄榄球- gǎn  lǎn  qiú

For activities practice speaking the above phrases then fill in the blanks with pinyin below

1. kangaroo-
2. koala-
3. Australia-
4. Great Barrier Reef-
5. crocodile-
6. rugby-

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